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Wonder Works


Introducing #chinatownyvr history, heritage and culture. Click on a video short to reveal a wonder!


As the place where we have rediscovered our roots, Chinatown has become our anchor. We draw our inspiration from the time we spend in Chinatown to create multimedia outputs that celebrate the rich history and heritage of our community.


Our works are a catalyst for conversations, providing the opportunity to exchange stories and make deeper connections with one another.


Film Series: Keys to Living Heritage â€‹

For over a century, Vancouver Chinatown’s societies and associations have served as unwavering stewards of cultural heritage. “Keys to Living Heritage” is a film series that showcases intangible cultural heritage activities and spaces inside Society-owned heritage buildings. Shared through the lens of their members, each episode raises awareness of the rehabilitation efforts these societies and associations face to restore and maintain their buildings, to keep traditions alive and pass them on.


Chinatown Society Heritage Buildings Association (CSHBA) was established with the “objective of helping one another to rehabilitate the society-owned heritage buildings in Chinatown.” They provide a platform to advocate for the conservation and rehabilitation of these irreplaceable spaces. The series features 5 CSHBA members: Chin Wing Chun Society, Mah Society of North America Society, Wongs’ Benevolent Association, Yee Fung Toy Society, and Yue Shan Society.


©Chinatown Wonders

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